New Mexico


Name Degree(s)
Elizabeth Anne Carroll Bachelor of Journalism in Journalism-BJ with an emphasis in Radio-Television
Minor in Spanish-MI
Undergraduate Certificate in Multicultural Studies-CRT
Jordan Taylor Key Bachelor of Science in Parks, Recreation & Tourism-BS with an emphasis in Sport Management
Stephen Michael Lanza Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in Mechanical Engineering-BSME
Minor in Computer Science-MI
Lisette Nicole Rossman Bachelor of Arts in German-BA
Bachelor of Journalism in Journalism-BJ with an emphasis in Strategic Communication
Minor in Business-MI
Undergraduate Certificate in Multicultural Studies-CRT


Name Degree(s)
Jesse Dylan Chappell Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences-BS

Los Lunas

Name Degree(s)
Esther Denise Perea Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Nursing - DNP with an emphasis in Fam Psych Mental Health NP