
Missouri students are listed alphabetically by county.


Name Degree(s)
Caitlin Janessa Eidson Master of Education in Learning, Teaching and Curriculum - MED with an emphasis in Mathematics Education


Name Degree(s)
Echo Madrid Educational Specialist in Ed Leadrshp &Policy Anlys-EDSP with an emphasis in PK-12 ELA Superintendent
Ryan Ming Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Sciences-BA
Minor in Criminology/Crim and Juvenile Just-MI
Undergraduate Certificate in Multicultural Studies-Ugrd Cert
Undergraduate Certificate in Addiction Studies-Ugrd Cert
Ethan Joseph Sappington Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences-BS with an emphasis in Horticultural Science & Design
Undergraduate Certificate in Landscape Design-Ugrd Cert


Name Degree(s)
Katelynn Shay Harvey Master of Education in Learning, Teaching and Curriculum - MED with an emphasis in Mathematics Education

Sweet Springs

Name Degree(s)
Grant Thomas Knipmeyer Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management-BS